The 6 Zones

There are ONLY SIX kinds of disturbances that can affect the human body: these are GLANDULAR, ELIMINATIVE, NERVOUS, DIGESTIVE, MUSCULAR, and CIRCULATORY. All diseased conditions, aches and pains, and other discomforts experienced by the body can be attributed to one or more of the above disturbances to the body’s 6 systems or Zones.

Zone 1 -- GLANDULAR ZONE: Controls the normal Function of the glands of the body. Since your body creates more chemicals than a pharmaceutical company, this Zone is your inner pharmacy. The Brain sends signals to the 200+ Glands in the body, releasing essential hormones and chemicals for health. Various stressors including thoughts, feelings and emotions affect our glandular system. For example, prolonged fear or worry stresses the Adrenal glands and, over time, causes illness. Physical, mental, or chemical stress can cause a spinal misalignment or subluxation in the Glandular nerve channels. This misalignment interferes with the proper brain/nerve signals traveling to your Glandular organs creating a multitude of diseases and other problems.

Zone 2 -- ELIMINATIVE ZONE: The Eliminative zone controls all of the organs of elimination – The sinuses, bronchioles, lungs, kidneys, bladder, colon/intestines, toxins and bowel movements.  Each cell in your body produces waste material as a natural byproduct of living; however it must have a way of flushing this out. Just like the plumbing system in your house, when it’s “backed up”, it’s a dirty place to live. It is the same with the body; when you have improper elimination, it prevents the harmful chemicals from flushing out, thus poisoning it from the inside out. When the Eliminative Zone is working 100%, you may ingest foul food, poisonous air, allergens, bacteria, and viral particles, without you even knowing it. Physical, mental, or chemical stress can cause a spinal misalignment or subluxation in the Eliminative nerve channels. This misalignment interferes with the proper brain/nerve signals traveling to your Eliminative organs creating a multitude of dis-ease and problems.  Proper chiropractic alignment reduces pressure on the back’s nerve channels for improved eliminative health.

Zone 3 -- NERVOUS ZONE: Stimulates the nerve supply to your central nervous system. When this zone is compromised, your nervous system functions weaker. Your sense organs are not functioning at 100%, which can cause your vision and hearing to be worse. Restoration of this zone can make relaxation easier and your reproductive organs will also function more efficiently. Your Third Zone restoration will bring better appetite — better digestion — better elimination — a more relaxed feeling — better sleep — better nerves.

Zone 4 -- DIGESTIVE ZONE: This zone is more than just your stomach and intestines. The mouth, esophagus, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas also play a role in making sure our food is able to break down properly. Another factor in this zones function is anger. Anger can cause unnecessary tension to these areas of your body. When your digestive zone is under stress, you could experience any combination of the following:

  • Food allergies
  • Deficiencies to vitamins
  • IBS
  • Poor memory
  • Poor concentration
  • Heartburn/Acid Reflux
  • Bloating and Flatulence
  • Constipation/Diarrhea
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Fatigue

Zone 5 -- MUSCULAR ZONE: Focuses on the main structures of your body; your muscles and your bones. People who tend to put lots of physical stress on their bodies are often a Zone 5. The muscular system and the skeletal system are vital to each other, so when one is not functioning properly, the other suffers as well. This is why pain, weakness, and muscle tension are often reasons people come to see a chiropractor in the first place. Subluxations in this zone are very common.

Zone 6 -- CIRCULATORY ZONE: Is in charge of the circulatory system (heart, veins, arteries) as well as the lymphatic system (lymph nodes, thyroid gland). Struggles with mental health can often be attributed to this zone due to poor circulation (specifically to the brain) along with memory issues and intolerance to cold temperatures. Clearing blockages in your daily life can help remove stress to your brain and clear blockages in your circulatory system in return.

Wichita Office


6432 East 34th St North Suite 110,
Wichita, KS 67226



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224 W Greenway,
Derby, KS 67037



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9:00 am - 12:00 pm


7:00 am - 12:30 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm




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7:00 am - 11:30 am





Derby (Secondary Office)


1:30 pm - 5:30 pm




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9:00 am - 11:30 am





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